Thursday, August 11, 2016

[Food Recommendation] Chia Te Milk Cake (佳德牛奶酥餅), Taiwan

We all know about Chia Te (and Li Yu) suncake, so i won't elaborate on that.

In comparison, there's not so much reviews on the milk cake, and it was not available for tasting in the shop.

So i just bought a small box (6 pieces).

Imagine my surprise when i found out how tasty it was. It was so regretful as I was already back to Singapore.

The milk cake is very addictive. The milky taste was faint, it felt so shiok to sunk my teeth into the fragrant skin and soft but firm inner fillings.

When you're at Chia Te, you might want to just buy a piece to try. If you like, buy more, don't regret like me.

p.s. I prefer Chia Te's milk cake to their sun cake.

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