Thursday, August 11, 2016

[Food Recommendation] Mu Ming Restaurant, Hualien, Taiwan (慕名私房料理, 花蓮)

It was a restaurant selling indigenous people's dishes, at Qixingtan, Hualien, 5 minutes walk away from Bayview Hotel (review here).

I reserved a week ago as I heard it was vastly popular. It was a weekday and the restaurant was filled with customers minutes after they start business (11.30am).

There were 3 pricings: NT$350 / NT$550 / NT$750.

I chose the NT$350 (but i heard from the driver i engaged for the next day that the locals normally go for the NT$550).

Before i start on the pictures, I have to warn you that it's one person serving only.

They serve the wild vegetable salad first. It was one of the most delicious salad I've ever eaten. The texture and the taste were *thumbs up*

Main course
The vegetable set on the left has wasabi, so be careful when you eat. I wasn't sure what's the transparent thing wrapping the wild vegetable, maybe it's intestine, but it's super nice. I like cactus-looking leaves too, it's very crunchy.

In the middle we have the indigenous people wild boar's meat. It's very salty, and the sausage on the left could be too jerlat after a few pieces,  thus the jam and kimchi were very good side dishes.

The combination of the tastes of the food were done really well.

Rice was refillable

Here came my favourite. The pumpkin / mushroom / wild vegetable soup.
It was so well done. i wasn't really a fan of pumpkin but this soup was DELICIOUS. I was still bummed that I wasn't able to finish it.

Other than a bottle of plain water, they gave me one honey lemon drink. I heard the popular drink was dragon fruit juice, and saw a table of family (who was staring at me weirdly for eating alone) having it.

I was so full that i didn't manage to eat the appetizer, i heard it's ice cream.

If you're in Hualien, this restaurant is a must go. It might sound simple: pumpkin, wild vegetable...etc., but it's how they cooked and combined the ingredients together that made this whole meal so delicious.

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