Thursday, January 21, 2016

[Europe Trip] Day 12 - Staubbach Falls, Trümmelbach Falls, Lauterbrunnen, Lake Thun

5 August 2015 (Wednesday)

We woke up to a day of good weather at Wengen. And it was very heartwarming to see a little boy picking up a chess piece.

It was a free-and-easy day. This means we do not have anything planned at all, and just googled on the way. The first place we went was Lauterbrunnen, to look for the Staubbach Falls. The fall was a bit small and far... but the scenery en route was so nice. The wooden houses with balcony filled with flowers... even though it was pretty hot that day, and the rental is expensive, it would still be worth it to stay there.

After which, we took bus to Trümmelbach Falls
"The Trümmelbach Falls are the world's only glacier waterfalls that are accessible underground by lift, galleries, tunnels, paths and platforms. They alone carry the meltwater of the glaciers from the Jungfrau down to the valley - up to 20,000 liters of water per second. The water carries with it over 20,000 tons of boulders and scree per year and causes the entire mountain to shudder and make a thundering noise"

Even though there was lift up, there was still a lot of climbing. so please be prepared for it. In addition, it could be wet and cold inside.

We left Trümmelbach Falls to take bus back to Lauterbrunnen Ost. This is the scenery on the way back. 

 At Lauterbrunnen Ost, we were not too sure how to get to Lake Thun, and decided to ask the tourist information. Turns out their lunch was from 12-2pm... so we had to depend on ourselves. When we were at the Ost, the station staff helped us. Yay! 

We took train to Interlaken Ost to take the boat. We were practically googling how to purchase the tickets, and immediately jumped onto the leaving cruise upon realizing we can buy the tickets on board. 

While on board, we sat in the enclosed area. But after realizing it's a restaurant and we need to buy something to eat, we went out to enjoy the sea breeze. The people were very friendly, we waved to the people on the shore and they waved back. We were the only few Asians on board. It seems that Lake Thun cruise was not a popular tourist choice, and was more of the locals' transportation means. Or did we board the wrong cruise?

Nevertheless, the scenery was so beautiful that i spent all my handphone's storage space. 

We finally arrived at Thun and went to their Coop to get some food. But omg, look at the price!!! Sushi was especially expensive in Europe, but everything was much more expensive at Thun.

We decided to take train on the way back as it was faster. And finally took the photo of the small table top in the train. it was so useful to determine where we were.

Lastly, Wengen at night. I missed you so much ;(

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