Sunday, January 3, 2016

[Europe Trip] Day 3 - London (Portobello Market, The British Museum, Burger & Lobster, SOHO/Oxford street)

27th July 2015 (Monday).

It was a working day for Londoners, and for us too if we were still in Singapore.

It felt pretty surreal seeing the Londoners rushing for the tube, while we were... welfie-ing.

We wanted to go to the Borough Market, but unfortunately the full market was opened from Wed to Sat. We were in London from Sat evening to Wed wee morning, so we missed the chance. To compensate, we went to the Portobello Market, turned out it was pretty quiet too. We got some wary glances from the locals, perhaps because they rarely see tourists going on a Monday morning? 

 We saw some bookstores.

and ate our breakfast there.

After which, we went to the The British Museum. we took tube to Russell Square station. If you happen to be at the station, you will notice that everybody crowd to the lift. Please follow. Do not ever attempt to take the stairs. We foolishly took the spiraling staircase, and climbed up 175 steps. The stairs seemed hopelessly never-ending and was very stuffy.

After we caught our breathes, we walked to The British Museum. We noticed this ancient building called Hotel Russell. Turned out it's built in 1898!

The British Museum was, in comparison to the Natural History Museum, much more solemn and less interactive. It was also filled with buses of tourists. Thus, it was less to my liking. That said, it has marvelous collections of  historical pieces, and mummies.

It's lunch time, and we went to the raved Burger & Lobster at SOHO (36-38 Dean St, London W1D 4PS, United Kingdom) for our most expensive meal. My friend could not understand why i got a whole lobster when it'll be messy to eat, and i couldn't understand why she took the bread set when it's the same price. Review of my whole lobster: it's tasted just like the other shelled creature from the sea, i.e. prawn or crayfish.

We went shopping at the SOHO / Oxford street area. It's more window shopping since everything was expensive. It is only at Primark (14-28 Oxford St, London W1D 1AU, United Kingdom) that we bought some stuff. 
Last words before i close this entry: Please prepare enough time and leg energy to conquer the oxford street. It's no joke.

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